COVID-19 Precautions
Despite the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic beginning to wane, ensuring the safety of ourselves and our loved ones is still our highest priority. We at Smyth Puzzles remain committed to protecting our customers, and offer this explanation of the precautions we are continuing to take to minimise the risk of contagion.
These precautions will remain in place until credible medical authorities advise a full return to normalcy, either through next-generation vaccines yielding strong enough herd immunity that contagion is no longer a serious concern, or by the virus evolving to a less harmful, endemic form.
Until that time, we will continue to take the following precautions:
- Keeping the Smyth Puzzles studio closed to members of the public
- Continuing to mask in public buildings, crowded outdoor spaces, and large gatherings, as recommended by medical professionals
- Avoiding indoor dining, theaters, and other high-transmission areas
- Regularly sanitising hands while away from home and practising recommended hand-washing technique after returning from a trip out
- Staying up to date with vaccine boosters and possible future vaccines
Once turned over to Canada Post for shipment, each puzzle will be handled in accordance with their policies. For updates on their handling of and response to the situation, please see
Given the COVID-19 virus' low ability to survive in mail and packages, we believe that these measures should be sufficient to remove all practical risk to our customers.
On behalf of Smyth Puzzles, stay safe and stay well.